Week 110-111: Our trip back home
This was our second trip back home and, as much as we love Austria, we were excited to be back. From the moment we touched down things just felt comfortable. No relying on Google translate to help us get through a conversation. No need to use GPS, because the roads we took were the same roads we had taken over and over just a couple of years ago.
For the past two years, we have been compensating for the language barrier and squeezing as much sightseeing in as possible, so to finally be back home meant life would be simpler for a few days and we could relax. Although, my mind was always worrying about our fur babies staying back home on another continent.
We flew to Chicago on December 3 and spent three days in Illinois seeing family and friends and eating at a few of our favorite places before driving to Kentucky for a wedding. Here is the recap of our time back home.
Family photo outside of Cracker Barrel
Eric and his mom
On December 5, I hopped on a train and spent a few hours in Chicago.
Between moving abroad and the time-warp Covid created, it was weird to be back. The city alone has 126 skyscrapers while the entire European continent has just 218.
Downtown Chicago
The OG Copywriter & Art Director team
After our quick Illinois visit, we made the slow drive to Kentucky.
On December 7, we woke up and had our Frazer Family Christmas, went bowling, and finished the night at the casino.
Family photo on the front porch
On December 8, we spent the day in Lexington. I met up with my former coaches and teammates and Eric and I completed our first breakout room experience with Nate and Kayla.
It took us 52:28 to break out
Emily and I at dinner in Lexington
On December 9, we celebrated Allie and Travis as they said ‘I do’ and became husband and wife.
Shelby, Jessica, and I with our husbands
December 10 was our final day stateside. We spent some quality morning time with our friends and their kiddos and were at the airport by 4 pm.
Shelby, Fletcher, and I
Lauren, Emilia, Barret, and I
Mackenzie, Wyatt, Me, and William
Our hearts are full from a week full of reconnecting with our friends and family.