Week 24: The Sweetest Easter

This was the first week in 24 weeks I did not post on a Sunday. Partly because I did not have much content to work with and because Sunday was a busy one.

Our neighbors invited us over to celebrate Easter with an Easter Lamb cake “Osterlamm” and coffee. Most Easter celebrations are very similar to back home like going to Church, dying easter eggs, the easter egg hunts. Even the Easter bunny comes to visit, but the Easter lamb cake was a new one for me and Eric. We brought homemade vegan cupcakes with peanut butter frosting (if you have not watched the video yet). So two desserts are reason number one for the sweetest Easter.

Reason number two is another one of my best friends had her sweet baby boy, Wyatt! He is the third of the Farris kids and I am so excited to come back home someday soon and see all the babies!

Over the weekend we visited two more towns.

The first is Mondsee, just 30 minutes away. The town is home to the medieval Mondsee Abbey, whose church was used for the site of the wedding in The Sound of Music.

The second town is Braunau.

Almost two hours away from us and is the town where Adolf Hitler was born. Oddly, Hitler was born the day before Easter in 1889. His birth house is now being remodeled as a police station. For a person who is associated with tragedy, destruction, and caused absolute horror, the town where he was born is so beautiful and happy. Braunau is at the border of Austria and Germany. So technically, we were standing in two countries at once!

Sarah Hollis

Hello! I am Sarah, an Austria-based freelance art director and the founder of this blog, The Pack Mama.


Week 25: Schiederweiher


Week 23: Traunkirchen