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Week 3: Langbathseen

From another round of lockdowns across the world to a history-made presidential election back home, this week was nothing short of boring.

The lockdown dictates where we get to explore and with restaurants and shops closed, thankfully Austria is home to over 4000 kilometers of hiking trails, and for those of us who aren’t used to counting in kilometers, that’s more than 2485 miles.

This weekend we hiked around Vorderer and Hinterer Langbathsee—two alpine mountain lakes located in Ebensee and just 20 minutes away from our house on the other side of the Traunsee. The Vorderer Langbathsee is a popular swim and dive site in the summer. Since Eric has his dive certification, I’m sure we’ll be coming back here this summer.

The entire hike was over 6 miles and needless to say, the dogs haven’t moved since we got back home. Between this week’s hike and last weeks—this one was my favorite. The forest and mountains reflect into the clearest lakes to create an impressive.

In the midst of all the chaos, hard days and the to-dos that come along with preparing for Monday, we’re so grateful to live in a place where hiking in beautiful places is so easy. Spending the weekend hiking is just what we need to feel refreshed for the week ahead.

The Pack Mama