Week 91: 91 Degrees and Rising
Temperatures in Austria hit 91 degrees in week 91 as Eastern Europe has been sitting in a heat wave.
While some places in the world see 91 degrees on a regular basis, Europe does not have the same infrastructure to handle the heat. Fewer than 10% of households in Europe are air conditioned and since our house is not one of the 10%, this week has been barely bearable.
Thankfully, we chose to live right across from the Traunsee, so lunch time dips and afternoon swims have kept us cool.
Eric swimming on a lunch break
Due to the intense heat, we decided to relax by the water instead of partaking in hours of hiking or climbing adventures.
We brought the dogs to the lake this weekend and plopped them into the water trying to help them cool off too. Even though they do not like swimming and clawed their way out, I think a tiny part of them liked standing in it.
Charlie tolerating the lake
I found this article listing the best places to escape the heat wave around Europe. One of the places listed is where we will be spending part of my 30th birthday in a couple of weeks!
Selfies with Daisy
Too hot to keep her tongue inside her mouth, lol
On Saturday, we had a quick rain shower which cooled things down for a few minutes and filled the sky with a bright rainbow over the Traunstein!
Rainbow over the Traunsee
Sailboats at sunset in Gmunden
Besides dealing with the high heat, a few other highlights from this week are:
I had a meeting with the Traunsee-Altmal tourism board about a future collaboration with us!
We renewed our Austrian visas
My friends who live in Salzburg came to visit
Eric bought the new Mavic Mini 2 drone for my birthday
Eric testing out the drone