We’ve made it to week TWO-HUNDRED!!
That’s right—200 weeks of living abroad in Austria. It’s a milestone that feels like it deserves a big announcement, and we have got one to share. After much thought, consideration, and conversation, we can officially confirm we’re moving back to the States!
When we first embarked on this journey back in 2020, we planned to stay for three years. But, as life has a way of unfolding, things changed. After living in Austria for two years, we knew we weren’t ready to leave. There was so much more to experience, learn, and enjoy here. So, we extended our expat contract to October 2025. Fast forward to today, and as our fourth expat anniversary approaches—October 20, 2024—we’ve come to realize something different. While we’re not exactly ready to stop waking up to the most magical views from our window or spending every weekend doing some kind of epic activity, we are ready for something else: being present for the life moments back home and starting another chapter of our story.
As wonderful as these past four years have been, we’ve missed a lot. Holidays that felt a little emptier, weddings we couldn’t attend, and life events we could only witness from afar on a screen. While Austria will always hold a special place in our hearts, we’re ready to make up for lost time with family and friends.
This decision wasn’t easy. There’s something about living abroad that changes you—broadens your perspectives, makes you appreciate the beauty of slowing down, and teaches you about different cultures in ways books and vacations simply can’t. We’ve fallen in love with the local traditions, the slower pace of life, and the sense of adventure and spontaneity that comes with being an expat.
At the same time, there’s a tugging at our hearts to reconnect with the life we left behind in the States. Our journey in Austria has been filled with incredible highs. We’ve met amazing people, explored stunning landscapes, and immersed ourselves in a way of life that we’ll always cherish. Just as Austria called to us four years ago, home is calling us back.
As we reflect on our journey and prepare for this next chapter, I am reminded of a quote I wrote down the week we moved away because it had an interesting concept. It made me curious about what I would be feeling whenever we returned someday.
“And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”T.S. Eliot
These words capture our experience perfectly. Our time in Austria has been a journey of exploration—of new places, people, and parts of ourselves. But in coming back to the States, we feel like we’re returning with new eyes, new skills, and a new perspective. The home we left behind feels different now—fragile, more meaningful, and full of opportunities we may not have fully appreciated before. The urge we have to travel around our own country and the amount of IG reels I am served about epic things to see and do (specifically in the Pacific Northwest region) is comforting and exciting.
So…we’re ready. We are ready for the next adventure—a return to familiar faces, old traditions, and new opportunities. And while we’ll be sad for this chapter to end, we’re excited for the one that’s about to begin.
Thank you to everyone who has followed our journey for the past 200 weeks, but the journey isn’t over. We still have 12 weeks to go! And we have made sure to pack in as many adventures as we can.
No video for this week’s recap…but Charlie and Daisy needed new pet passport photos! So I will leave those here :)