Week 47: Fuschlsee and Ruine Wartenfels
This week Eric and I celebrated 9 years of being together. Next week on the 16th, we will be celebrating our 4 year wedding anniversary! The life we have created together has truly been a dream and it is only the beginning.
One of our first photos together.
At the beginning of 2021, I joined an expat community Facebook page and met another American from Michigan who lives nearby. Fast-forward to this weekend and we all finally met each in person and explored Gmunden together.
Fountain in the middle of Traunsee.
Today I dropped Eric off at the airport as he is heading to England for a work trip. Before dropping him off, we drove to Fuschlsee and hiked to the Wartenfels. The Wartenfels Castle was built in 1259. It is located about 30 minutes east of Salzburg on a small rocky outcrop.
Family photo at the ruins.
View at the top of the ruins.
We have been to a couple ruins like Prandegg and Haichenbach and we can say for sure Ruine Wartenfels is the winner for prettiest views at the top. The hike up was only 20 minutes, but the entire trail was uneven.
Daisy leading the way.
I am pretty sure Daisy is part mountain goat. This girl has zero problem navigating rocky and uneven trails.
Original staircase that leads to the best view.
Stairs to get to different floors.
Sign at the entrance.
After exploring the ruine and walking around Fuschlsee, a lake town where one of my freelance jobs is located, we had to head to the airport.