Week 7: The Hardest Hike Ever

A lot of exciting things happened this week.

I relaunched my illustration business @ShopThePack. Eventually my hope is to add a “shop” portion to ThePackMama.co. A shop that offers custom illustrations turning your favorite pets, people and places into cute, whimsical art. But for now, check out my Etsy shop to order an illustration this holiday season!

Monday was our first German class where we covered the basic greetings, letters, and numbers. We hope to be able to speak German fluently by the time our three years as expats are up, which seems impossible to achieve now, but hopefully, as weeks go by, it’ll get easier.

We got our first “big” snow on Wednesday. Charlie and Daisy didn’t know it until we opened the front door to a couple of inches of fresh untouched snow on the ground. Charlie jumped right into it and immediately started licking it, while Daisy was more concerned with finding a place to go potty.

On Friday, we closed on our house back in Illinois. It made me look back at our offer letter from a few years ago. We were so excited about the chance to live in this house and make it our own. In the two years we lived there, we adopted our cat Denzel and our 2nd dog Daisy, we both got job promotions and experienced what remodeling a home is really like. It was a good home for us and a bittersweet feeling knowing it’s officially not ours anymore. But thankful it sold and we were able to get it done before the year was over.

Yesterday, we hiked the hardest hike of our lives. Eric just got an early Christmas present, The Garmin Fénix 6, and according to his watch we hiked 8 miles in 6 hours. Gained 5,878 in elevation and burned 3,211 calories. Unfortunately there were “no drone” signs, so this week’s video is a combo of clips I had on my phone and some pictures I took along the hike.

Lastly, lockdown officially ends tomorrow! This means we’ll be able to go to the stores to pick-up our Christmas tree and decorations!!

The Pack Mama

Sarah Hollis

Hello! I am Sarah, an Austria-based freelance art director and the founder of this blog, The Pack Mama.


Week 8: 12 Days Until Christmas


Week 6: First Thanksgiving In Austria