Week 88: Summertime Gmunden
It is hard to believe July is already here.
It is even harder to believe I will turn 30 exactly one month from today đź‘€
Week 88 was a fun one!
Bored Panda, a popular online magazine, reached out for a few comments to go along with this article about cultural differences between America and Europe.
Due to this interview, we received a lot more traffic to our pack mama YouTube channel and website! People from 25 different countries clicked to learn more about our journey. The majority are from the US and Austria, but a handful came from the UK and Australia! This extra attention pushed me to spend some time updating our pages. Some new blurbs and a few new pictures help tell our story after being here for a year and a half.
Our weekend started 10 minutes away from our house at a local “U-pick” strawberry field called erdbeerland ohlsdorf.
Holding a strawberry
The field was pretty picked over, so this was the final day to pick. Luckily, there was still enough for us to fill up our container. The experience was fun and the scenery alone was well worth the drive over.
The strawberry field
The first few strawberries we picked
Eric and I sampled one in the field and it was the sweetest strawberry I have ever tasted!
Me in the strawberry fields
The strawberry fields
After we picked our berries, we grabbed our SUPs and drove to Ebensee at the other end of our lake.
We chose to “sitdown” paddle board instead of “standup” paddle board.
While this side of the lake is a little windier, we love that it has a sandbar where you can hop off and walk around. The water is super cold, but, after a few minutes, we were used to it.
Eric looking for pebbles on the sandbar
The conditions at this end of the lake are perfect for windsurfing and sailing, so we had some good entertainment watching the surfers and sailors all around us.
Watching the windsurfers and sailors from the Ebensee sandbar
We SUP’d again, but this time along the esplanade in Gmunden.
SUPing along the Esplanade in Gmunden
After an hour or so of paddling around, we made our way to a dock along the edge of town to enjoy a scoop of ice cream. As we approached the dock, a swan flew out of the way. If you have never seen a swan fly, it is a cool thing to see. They literally run on top of the water while their wings lift them up. I am determined to capture a photo of them flying someday soon.
The swans in Gmunden love to hang out by the edge, so several of them came really close to us while we were docked. So close we were nervous they were going to hop up on our SUPs.
SUPing along the Esplanade in Gmunden
SUPing under the bridge in Gmunden